понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

craig olson sports

The Show was really good- I got to have fairy floss, a snowcone and an icecream, and thatrsquo;s all I needed to be happy. I spent ten bucks throwing darts at balloons to win a crappy toy that has holes in it, and bought a twisty wind catcher thing for $2. Friday night was the best because my mum and I got pretty damn tipsy and annoyed the hell out of Dad, who wasnrsquo;t drinking. The fireworks were good, and I got some good pictures of them on my phone. Pity about the showbags, though- therersquo;s no way Irsquo;m paying $4 for six Bertie Beetles when I can get over twenty for the same price at a supermarket.

I had one of the most fun nights Irsquo;ve had all year last Tuesday. My housemate and I went out with her friend and her friends to the park and fed bread to possums. Theyrsquo;re so cute And you can get close enough to pat them. All the guys were nutters, which was great fun.�

Irsquo;m gonna be the Marketing Co-ordinator for the Law Club next year. God knows why I put my hand up for it, but I think all the job requires is attending meetings and making posters. And it should look good on my resume.

Another good thing that happened is that I got 32/40 for my PPL Workbook, and apparently the highest mark across both campuses was 34. And everyone else was complaining about how badly they went. So I can breathe a sigh of relief for that exam at least. Just hope I do that well in my Constitutional essay.

I found a gig I really want to go to. Itrsquo;s called Chill Island Festival, and itrsquo;s on Churchill Island off Phillip Island. Therersquo;s someone for everyone- Pete Murray for my mum, Josh Pyke for me (YAY), and Ash Grunwald for my dad. Pity we canrsquo;t afford it, although I am trying to convince my parents to use the child bonus thing for it. My mum was all for it when she was drunk ;)

Speaking of Josh Pyke, I will die when I see the video for his next single. It involves Josh in a guitar boat Itrsquo;s a guitar made by Maton, and itrsquo;s a boat, and Josh is riding in it. Irsquo;ve got it for my desktop picture at the moment- itrsquo;s awesome I also went psycho seeing him presenting at the Arias, which were really good. The Presets were phenomenal.

Gotta go to work now.

Light and Love,

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

baptist prayer guide

"Have a good time. All the time."

--Mick Shrimpton, Spinal Tap

Besides the title of an excellent song by the Chicago psych-garage trio Vee Dee, "Tet Midwest" is an idea for a website I've been kicking around for several months now. Ideally, this (how you say) "blog" will manage to incorporate my own myriad/conflicting interests while managing to bring in other writers who share these interests: music, books, politics, travel, sports, interviews, and pizza. The song "Tet Midwest" is about the idea of an uprising, like the Tet Offensive during the Viet Nam War, in an area and a time when it's not expected. Because, after all, nothing really happens in the Midwest except for tuna casseroles, meth labs, and embroidered sweatshirts, right? So yeah. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. The action's on the coasts, baby. Not. Here. In the immortal paraphrase of D.H. Lawrence: "Delenda est Chicago*." (Or at least ignored and disregarded.)

In reality, in a month's time, I'll probably grow bored with sharing valuable insights like: "...Breaking News: This just in: George Bush is a bad president and Bill O'Reilly isn't really fair and balanced: Film at 11," and start up a new hobby: officiating renaissance faires, cheerleading Civil War reenactments ("Here we go, McClellan, here we go [clap clap] Here we go, McClellan, here go [clap clap])", "Deal a Meal" with Richard Simmons...

Ah, but maybe I'll get into this. Maybe you'll get into this.

Who knows. More importantly: Who cares? Let's give it a shot. In the immortal words of noted documentarian Martin DiBergi: "But enough of my yakkin'. Let's boogie"

--Brian Costello

October 19, 2008

Ukranian Village, Chicago.

*Latin for "Chicago must be destroyed," a play on "Delenda est Cartago" from ancient Roman times.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

campground in lake george


my first post and itapos;s gonna be a rant on bout how much i hate life. Yay. Please donapos;t read this. I just wanna let out my anger somewhere where noone i know will read bout it or acknowlege it. I am sorry if you read this and find me a complete loser, angsty teen or just some messed up person who needs to just lightern up for once. This might be full of foul language and burst of lame anger and it will probably be like an entertainment for some random ppl to see a person spaaz outon a journal. IF YOU ARE STILL READING THIS STOP YOU WILL JUST LAUGH OR THINK I NEED TO LIIGHTEN UP.

so letapos;s get started.

I freaking hate life at this point. ITapos;s probably cuz school started the spark. My retarded chem teacher just had to drop the first bomb. Posting up updated marks of everyone failing. Wow. And i thought i was doing amazing in this class wow. Just wow. I am doing horrible and seriously horrible not those fucking ppl that think horrible is a 70 cuz thatapos;s just fucked. Horrible is when you canapos;t get into any university with it and you are fucking failing or near the point.

And then my day gets worst.I am not doing any better in my other science class yay. Itapos;s not as if i expected a godly mark but itapos;s a complete piece of crapass mark too. I may sound stressed over this but i gave up on that and worrying a long time ago. Then during lunch i find out all my friends are gone for lunch studying so i am a loner yay. Then off to eng class and i am bored to death. After my pointless math class. I go home and guess what i fine...? my room is all cleaned up and guess what all my shit is gone..everything is not where it was before ha;f the crap�i have on my table is gone. My posters outside my room are GONE and they cost quite a bit. I find out pretty important stuff on my table are in garbage probably. I go look for it and guess what itapos;s all in a bag full of fucking nasty ass liquid of an unknown origin. So i cannot recover anything since itapos;s covered in that fucking shit. WOW. ITapos;S LIKE MY PARENTS KNEW WHEN TO FLIP ME OFF.� A FRIDAY THAT WAS ALREADY A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.i know they were trying to help me and do something nice for me but i thought theyapos; d realize by now WHENEVER they TRY to help me they fuck it up 10 times more than it is already. I decide i guess the day is shit it might get better if i nap and wake up for baddy night. I wake up my dad tells me when i go upstairs he canapos;t drive me and leaves himself. So i have to walk at 7 when itapos;s like -10 and the thing starts at 7:30 and it takes 20 mins to walk and i am not ready to go nor did i eat dinner. Yay me i eat dinnner and is fucking an hour late. Seriously if my dad was gonna NOT drive me he shouldapos;ve told me this when he came home not when iapos;m bout to get ready to leave. Just shows how much time my parents give me notice in shit they do.� ANYWAYS i go there and i play for awhile.. I talk to the person in charge cuz they are looking for someone to fill in cuz they donapos;t wanan do the shift anymore.. They know i can take it but they seemed to wanna tick me off by talking about how they want my friend whoapos;s not even 16 yet to work. I wanna do it but i am happy for my friend for it but i guess i am a bit jealous. But i have more experience than tthem. But w.e i guess the community center just aint right for me. So i go home after all this kinda irritated to the max. Go on msn and find ppl adding oil to the fire knowing i clearly state i am PISSED OFF. One starts talking bout the shift they are giving away again and saying how my friend wil get it and stuff and keeps talking bout it and omfg i cannot tell them to stop since i dont wanna be an asshole bout it. Just to add to that i feel kinda angry at the fact i canapos;t show my real feelings off in soceity like around my friends and family. I have to me always that kid that is always smiling and not caring bout her marks. But seriously i just dont wanan bring it on to them how i am a person that would care bout that cuz iapos;ve seen ppl that expes this shit in front of me and it pisses me off. So i donapos;t wish to do that. Anyways i just wanna say FUCK LIFE AND EVERYTHING AT THIS MOMENT. Sorry if you read this but i warned you. D:

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