воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

baptist prayer guide

"Have a good time. All the time."

--Mick Shrimpton, Spinal Tap

Besides the title of an excellent song by the Chicago psych-garage trio Vee Dee, "Tet Midwest" is an idea for a website I've been kicking around for several months now. Ideally, this (how you say) "blog" will manage to incorporate my own myriad/conflicting interests while managing to bring in other writers who share these interests: music, books, politics, travel, sports, interviews, and pizza. The song "Tet Midwest" is about the idea of an uprising, like the Tet Offensive during the Viet Nam War, in an area and a time when it's not expected. Because, after all, nothing really happens in the Midwest except for tuna casseroles, meth labs, and embroidered sweatshirts, right? So yeah. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. The action's on the coasts, baby. Not. Here. In the immortal paraphrase of D.H. Lawrence: "Delenda est Chicago*." (Or at least ignored and disregarded.)

In reality, in a month's time, I'll probably grow bored with sharing valuable insights like: "...Breaking News: This just in: George Bush is a bad president and Bill O'Reilly isn't really fair and balanced: Film at 11," and start up a new hobby: officiating renaissance faires, cheerleading Civil War reenactments ("Here we go, McClellan, here we go [clap clap] Here we go, McClellan, here go [clap clap])", "Deal a Meal" with Richard Simmons...

Ah, but maybe I'll get into this. Maybe you'll get into this.

Who knows. More importantly: Who cares? Let's give it a shot. In the immortal words of noted documentarian Martin DiBergi: "But enough of my yakkin'. Let's boogie"

--Brian Costello

October 19, 2008

Ukranian Village, Chicago.

*Latin for "Chicago must be destroyed," a play on "Delenda est Cartago" from ancient Roman times.

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